26 products

Collection: Black Hills Contraband Distillery


Based in Rapid City, SD, local owner Jerry Sailer has turned a seven-generation Sailer family recipe into reality by producing flavored liqueur in South Dakota.

Jerry Sailer was educated in the art of “making alcohol” by his father when he was 15 years old. Jerry’s father also learned the art of “making alcohol” when he was 15. In fact, the five previous father-son relationships of the family shared the same bond. Making alcohol has been in our blood for a long time. The flavors you’re tasting today didn’t happen overnight. Contraband flavored liqueurs have been perfected from generation to generation. Jerry recalls the beverage his father passed onto him as tasting like “turpentine with a little lighter fluid thrown in for flavoring,” but “it got the job done.” From that point on, Jerry’s dream was to own and open his own distillery.

In May of 2015, the first step was taken to start the long, tedious process to attain a distiller’s license and move toward full-scale operation.

A little over a year later, he opened the first licensed full distillery in South Dakota, and Contraband spirits are popping up in more and more quality establishments. Keep a lookout for Contraband products on the shelves at quality establishments near you.